10 Cringey Yet Charming Lines From The 'Twilight' Movies
Collider, 05/04/2022 https://collider.com ... ht-movies/
In one particularly intense scene between Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) and Edward Cullen in Eclipse where they are both arguing about Bella’s safety, she breaks up the tension by saying the following sentence: “Stop. I’m tired of this. From now on, I’m Switzerland, okay?”
This is perhaps one of the corniest lines in the whole saga. The problem is that before Bella says it, the scene between Jacob and Edward is quite dramatic. The exchanges between Jacob and Edward are some of the most entertaining throughout the saga. Having this good scene interrupted by such a wonky phrase cuts the tension in a way that feels unpolished. However, this phrase solidifies what was already known about Bella and what makes her somewhat charming. She is very clumsy at expressing herself.