Something Beautiful Happens When Your Parents Become Grandparents
Her View From Home, 04/12/2022 https://herviewfromh ... ndparents/
Sometimes I watch my parents with my children, and I wonder who are these people and what happened to the people who raised me? Something changed in my parents when they became grandparents, I think.
It’s like life offered them a second opportunity at getting it right. A second chance at being good parents to small children. And they jumped at that opportunity like into a refreshing pool on a hot, sticky, humid day, reemerging from its depth brand new, shiny people. Suddenly, things that were egregious for them when my brother and I were children don’t matter anymore.
Whenever we reprimand our own children or are strict with them, our parents see themselves in us because they raised us . . . and a bit of guilt settles in.